
Presidential actions cause concern   This week we saw several “Red Flag Warnings” for our democracy, coming out of the White House. The President of The United States signed several executive orders that make our country a more dangerous place to live.  We are a nation of law and order. The...
People keep doing big things in the city of Staples     By Ron Murray Staples Mayor   Wow! Every time I sit down to write this letter, I am amazed by something very big and positive that is or has occurred in Staples since I last sat down. That is a great sign, in my mind, of our community’s...
Small fines don’t stop law breakers   I hope I’m not the only one who is getting disgusted with so many people out there who just continually disobey our laws.  You can hardly ever go for a drive and not see some go thru a stop sign. And reading the court results each week is quite an adventure. ...
Waste and fraud in Minnesota government By Mike Weiner State Representative   Media outlets across the state are reporting that at least two autism centers in Minneapolis and St. Cloud were raided and searched by the FBI recently. These searches are in connection to an investigation related to the...
et’s Give Tribute to Veterans   This month of Thanksgiving and Veteran’s Day is the perfect time for all of us to remind veterans of how thankful we are for their selfless service to our country. I am, therefore, in total disagreement with the President Elect who said that our disabled and fallen...
Above, Norah Anderson with her mother Nicky and grandmother Pat Anderson, at the Minnesota Bar swearing in ceremony in October. The swearing in ceremony was conducted in the State Capitol by justices from the Minnesota Supreme Court. Just by random chance, our contingent sat in the seat of our own...
The legend of Staples-Motley 1999 still runs through Minnesota cross country By Mark Anderson Managing Editor   Minnesota is known as one of the top cross-country running states in the nation. A significant part of that culture emerged with the 1998-1999 Staples-Motley cross country team that is...
Quote of the week “What does labor want?  We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact,  more of the opportunities to  cultivate our better natures.” — Samuel Gompers  (...
Indigenous knowledge and healthy forests By Keith Karnes Forestry Director Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe   The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe shares more boundary with the federally managed National Forest System than any other Tribe in the United States, with 75% of the reservation border adjoining the...
Ted Matthews
Region Five Development Commission (R5DC) congratulates two agricultural mental health specialists recognized as outstanding providers. Ted Matthews and Monica McConkey provide dedicated counseling services to farmers and farm families throughout Minnesota in an innovative program funded by the...


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