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Pastor Scott Jorgenson, Thomastown Covenant Church, Staples
We got a puppy! Yep, we did our civic duty and adopted a mutt from the local shelter: eight weeks old, white, fluffy and fortunately built for winter weather. The only difficulty is finding this white fluffball in the snowbanks. Sooooo CUTE!
I was searching the Bible for some CUTE reference and found out that CUTE is not found in the Bible. So, I did due diligence and a synonym for cute is ADORABLE. Also, not in the Bible!
Hmmm…’tis a conundrum. God made puppies cute. And “adorable” is certainly an attribute of parts of God’s creation: baby ducks, the sloth, koalas (young and old), etc. And there are certainly parts of God’s creation that are definitely NOT cute: slugs, wood ticks, mosquitos, etc.
God has given us examples in His creation of things that makes us say, “Awwwwww, it’s so CUTE! I just ADORE him.”
There it is…adore. The word “adore” IS in the Bible. We just celebrated the coming of our Savior, Jesus, into the world. And we sang, “Come let us adore Him.”
My puppy is cute…and adorable. And so is our God. Not so much cute but God is adorable. Yes, in much the same way a puppy is adorable:
•The puppy is pleasing to gaze upon. The psalmist in Psalm 27 reminds us that we should seek to “behold the beauty of the Lord.”
•Our little pup really appreciates the attention via the belly rub or praise after successful training. Similarly, God longs for a relationship with each of us and reminds us that He is waiting for us to answer His call (Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and He with Me.”)
•Lastly, pup gives so much, albeit unknowingly, but the affection and peace that comes with this little furball on your lap is heaven sent. Our God, knowingly, knows our needs and desires and is faithful to give us what we need. He has poured out His love by giving us His very Son. He has showered us with His Holy Spirit that gives us a peace that passes understanding. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg of blessings that God gives to those who call on His name.
As adorable as puppies may be, may we adore even more our everlasting God by gazing a bit more adoringly upon Him, by choosing to acknowledge that He, God, is seeking us, and by allowing Him to bless us.