
Love our neighbors from within   We have all heard the teaching “Love thy neighbor as we love ourselves.” I would like to offer a perspective for consideration.  What does it mean to truly love ourselves? To me when we truly love ourselves we listen to and honor our bodies… our temples. We keep our...
Local news is good for business By Dean Ridings CEO of America’s Newspapers   It’s no secret that recent years have been tough on small businesses and on newspapers. A bipartisan bill, the Community News & Small Business Support Act, that has been introduced in Congress would offer relief to...
Proud of hometown values   I was born and raised in Staples. The entirety of my years growing up I learned values like being polite, honest, friendly and giving. All values not learned from only my parents but from the community members of Staples. I was taught what it meant to support a neighbor...
From Bluezones.com   From our research in the healthiest and happiest places in the world, here are some habits to take up this year — they’ll enrich your life and boost your health and happiness levels too. Instead of focusing on an outcome like “lose 20 pounds” or “exercise every day,” focus on...
One of the mini-barn quilt/Discover Staples signs, above, and below, one that was found broken in half in the street. (Staples World photos by Dawn Timbs)
Downtown artwork being vandalized   You ran an article in the paper a few weeks ago about the mini-barn quilt/Discover Staples signs that are in the Staples city flower pots. When we thought about doing this project, a few people said “they will be stolen.” I didn’t believe that it would happen, as...
Minnesota budget increases spending, no tax relief By Mike Wiener State Representative District 5B   The 2023 legislative session concluded late last month, and it will most likely be remembered for the massive increase in state spending (more than 40 percent) while raising taxes by $10 billion...
Grave site planter taken   During the spring and Memorial days, I have been to the Staples cemetery to take care of our families’ and friends’ graves, and watering any plants that I would see as I passed through. Recently, I went to remove our plants to bring home. Stopping at one grave site, I...
Different options other than smoke shop near school By Mark Anderson Managing Editor   The Staples City Council appeared surprised that their new law doesn’t prevent a smoke shop from going in right next to the school. The main reason they passed the new ordinance was to prevent that smoke shop...
MSHSL puts model behavior into policy From the Minnesota State High School League   Behavior expectations from students engaged in “Together We Make a Difference” and position statements on Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity and Belonging were among an abundance of action items approved today by the...
The Staples-Motley baseball team listens to Coach Shane Tappe between innings in the second round of the Section 6AA playoffs. (Staples World photos by Mark Anderson)
The Staples-Motley baseball team pulled off an upset in the first round of the Section 6AA playoffs, with a win over fifth seeded Wadena-Deer Creek 9-5 on May 30. The Cardinals were the 12th seed in the tournament. In the second round of section play, they faced a tough Pierz team, losing 10-0, in...


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