
Recruiting physicians to rural areas needs to show what communities offer, which goes far beyond money By Heather Close  The Rural Blog   Student loan reductions and payoffs have not enticed enough graduating doctors to move into rural areas. But when medical providers experience working in less...
1949 letter remembers early Staples happenings   Jan. 27, 1949 - Staples World headline: ‘Letter from Herb Wilson Reminiscent of Pioneer Days in Staples and Community.’   A letter recently received from William H. (Herb) Wilson, of Alhambra, Calif., will be interesting to many people in Staples,...
Klobuchar legislative priorities for 2024 By Senator Amy Klobuchar   As Minnesota families celebrate the new year, I want to reflect on everything we achieved together in 2023 and look forward to the year ahead. Despite a divided Congress, we worked across the aisle and made progress on a range of...
New film shows how hedge funds are destroying local journalism From Editor and Publisher Magazine   Rick Goldsmith’s website, New Day Films, states that his mission as a filmmaker is to “tell stories that encourage social engagement and active participation in community life and the democratic...
        We can build health and community with beans By Mark Anderson Managing Editor   When I tell people that the Staples area is one of the largest edible bean producers in the country, they are amazed.  It started when Central Lakes College started doing dry beans experiments. They found that...
Since the Lakewood Walk with a Doc program started over a year ago, my wife Marcia and I have done this. We both feel that this is very enjoyable and very rewarding for us. The thing is that we feel that more people should take advantage of this. Everyone here walks at their own pace, there are...
Staples-Motley teams are the Cardinals. Even though it is somewhat common, I believe it is the most distinctive team nickname in the state. I’ve never heard the story of how the nickname Cardinals was chosen, if anyone knows, tell us about it. I used a list of boys basketball teams to look up the...
Farmer’s per pound share of Thanksgiving turkey: 6¢ Submitted by Minnesota Farmers Union   The farmer’s share of the cost of the turkey that is the centerpiece of many Thanksgiving feasts is six cents per pound, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. This is the same as last...
Safe, caring Staples-Motley Community   We chose to teach, coach and raise our family in rural communities where they can be safe and participate in school activities. We found one that had wonderful students who enjoyed sports, music and drama. Our son and daughter-in-law have chosen to follow...
The Staples-Motley Volleyball team held its annual ‘Dig Pink’ night Oct. 3, in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Night. Each year, the team picks a community cancer survivor to honor, and this year’s honoree was Melanie Bestland of Staples. In addition, Lakewood Health System sponsored the night, purchasing ‘Dig PInk’ T-shirts for both teams (Staples-Motley and Pillager), as well as coaches and referees. Lakewood’s oncology team was in attendance as well. Pictured in lower photo are members of the Card
By Mark Anderson Managing Editor   All of the Staples-Motley fall sports have had winning seasons, creating a buzz around town as they head into the postseason. No matter what happens in the playoffs, this has been an amazingly successful year to watch Cardinal sports. Every team has senior leaders...


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