By Mark Anderson
Managing Editor
The Staples City Council heard the annual report from the Staples Fire Dept. at the Jan. 23, 2024 council meeting. Fire Chief Cole Yungbauer told the council that they had 95 calls in 2023, up from 77 the previous year.
The calls were spread out during the year,...
Lakewood Health System is excited to announce official plans to move forward with the Lakewood Cancer Center, which is set to break ground in spring of 2024, with a completion date in summer of 2025.
Since 2022, Lakewood’s oncology team and services have grown exponentially. Dr. Wade Swenson joined...
On Jan. 3, John Alan Gordon, 34, of rural Waubun was sentenced to 80 months in Wadena County for 1st degree drug sales.
On Sept. 20, 2022, at the direction of the White Earth Police Department, a traffic stop was conducted by the Wadena County Sheriff’s Office on a vehicle driven by Gordon. During...
The doors closed for good at the Longbella Drug Store in Downtown Staples Dec. 29, 2023. A fixture in the community for over 60 years, Longbella Drug was originally owned by the late Richard (Dick) Longbella and most recently, by his children Lani Longbella Roberts and Chad Longbella. The store’s...
The North Central Small Business Development Center (SBDC) announced an upcoming Starting a Business 101 workshop, a comprehensive event designed to support entrepreneurs on their journey to business success. The workshop will be held on January 18 from 5-7 p.m. at the Central Lakes College...
By Mark Anderson
Managing Editor
The Staples Economic Development Authority (SEDA) learned that the city’s industrial space is all filled, as are the other buildings in the Staples Industrial Park.
At the Nov. 28 SEDA meeting, the board approved lease agreements for the city’s building, with...
By Mark Anderson
Managing Editor
The Staples-Motley School Board heard about progress on some of the school’s academic goals at their Dec. 18 meeting. Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator Jennifer Pantzke presented the results of the goals along with Middle School/High School Principal Debbie...
Submitted by Heather Sams, Cushing, Minn.
Why would women who have never met before from Oregon, New York, North Dakota, Minnesota, Nevada, and North Carolina all meet at a resort in the middle of Minnesota to quilt and bake? The answer is friendship. Who knew that such a deep friendship could...
By Mark Anderson
Managing Editor
The Staples-Motley School District budget is still being affected by declining enrollment after the Covid pandemic.
The Staples-Motley School Board approved a tax levy that will include a 4.83 percent increase at their Dec. 4 board meeting. Business Manager Ellie...
By Dawn Timbs
Staples World reporter
Fill your car with family and friends, and stop by Pine Grove Park in Staples for the annual ‘North Pole Light Display,’ which runs Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, from 5 - 8 p.m., beginning Thanksgiving weekend through New Year’s Eve.
The drive-thru event...
Advertising Deadlines
Deadline for advertisements and copy is Friday, noon.