Current Happenings

September 30 Staples Serenity AA group Mtgs   are held at the Staples Assembly of God Church on Tuesday and Thursday evenings beginning at 7 p.m. Masks required. For more info., 320-874-0979. October 1 Attention Staples Seniors (55+) ‘Coffee, Cookies and Conversation’ at Staples United Methodist...
New inductees and previous inductees gathered at the conclusion of the Staples Motley Athletic Hall of Fame ceremony on Sept. 11. See page 10-11a (Photo by Mark Anderson) Staples-Motley Athletic Hall of Fame   The Staples Motley Athletic Hall of Fame has inducted two classes, 2019 and 2020....
September 23 Wadena Whirlaways Square Dance Group Dancing   Thursday, Sept. 23, 7:30 - 10 p.m., Staples Community Center. Larry Johansen, caller. For info., 218-296-1642.  Staples Serenity AA group Mtgs   are held at the Staples Assembly of God Church on Tuesday and Thursday evenings beginning at 7...
September 9 Todd County Republicans Mtg   Thursday, Sept. 9, 7 p.m., at Thunder Lodge, 22056 US 71, Long Prairie. For info., call 401-632-7849, or Facebook at Todd County Minnesota Republicans. Staples Serenity AA group Mtgs   are held at the Staples Assembly of God Church on Tuesday and Thursday...
The Staples Area Women’s Chorus (SAWC) is excited for a new year of singing. This fall, the choir welcomes Rob Freelove back as director of the chorus. Freelove is currently the band director at Pillager High School and has worked with both the Staples Area Men’s Chorus and the SAWC in the past....
Mosaic pictures were placed throughout the Staples Public Library where kids were given stickers to place on the pictures. The first person to guess what was in the picture wins a $5 gift card. Harrison Grunwald, right, was the first person to guess a frog in the above mosiac. He is pictured with...
A special meeting of the Staples-Motley School Board will be held Thurs., Sept. 9 at 1:00 p.m. at the District Office, 905 4th St. NE, Staples. The meeting will be held to approve the Resolution Ratifying the Award of the Sale Bonds for the Facility Project. Upcoming meeting schedule: Tues., Sept....
Joe Lehner recently completed the 1,000 books before kindergarten program. Above: Joe receiving his book and stuffed animal from Angie Johnson, Staples Library Assistant. Stop at the Staples library and sign your child up to receive a free canvas book bag. Prizes are awarded along the reading path...


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