Todd County school project seeks more responses
The Todd County Historical Society is still lookking for responses to their questionnaires for the country school project.
Fifty-five packets have been sent out with 19 having been returned. The museum would also like to hear from former country school teachers.
Someone will be available one Friday a month through April for anyone who would like help completing a questionnaire. For more information, call the museum at 320-732-4426.
Everyone who has completed a form will be eligible to win a $25 gift certificate to be drawn at the society’s May meeting.
The museum director reported that the open house was successful. She thanked Orv Dahlen for playing Christmas music and the various members for decorating the museum and bringing cookies. She also thanked the Hispanic community for decorating a tree and displaying one of their nativity sets.
It was noted that seven people have become life members, thanked Orv and Rita Dahlen for cleaning the military room and Rita Stracek and Joe Marte will audit the museum’s books.
Newsletter articles need to be turned in at the February meeting.
Following the business meeting John Kroll presented a program on the Audubon Society’s winter bird count held on New Year’s Day. The program is over 100-years-old and Kroll has been participating for 30 years. This year his group spotted 34 birds.
Submitted by
Alice Siegle, secretary